Go to the next level with strategies that will transform your home, mind and life.

No more having to pick and choose to either clean or spend time with your loved ones or feeling guilty for wanting to choose self-care time instead! Discover how to have it all!

  • End the endless exhausting cycle of home & toy clutter and cleaning!

  • Stop feeling stressed and overwhelmed by mess and too much stuff!

  • No more having to go through each day feeling like you're on repeat!

  • Know how be a good mom without feeling like you're losing yourself!

"This course has changed my life!"

- Brittni S. - Mom of 2

“Wow — I’m not exaggerating when I say this course has changed my life! Before joining The Organized Mom, I was never taught how to stay organized and manage my home effectively. I felt overwhelmed and embarrassed by the chaos of my space, even though I felt like I was ALWAYS picking up. Julie really has a way of shining light on unproductive habits (in a gentle and understanding way!) and providing sustainable systems to replace those habits. For the first time I feel like I can take control of my home and even my life by following her step-by-step process. She says herself that outer calm creates inner calm, and I am so grateful to finally feel at peace in my space.”

Become The Efficient & Balanced Mom You Are Meant To Be

Learn how to maintain your home and never have to worry about it again!

  • No More Burnout!

    Know with certainty what areas of your home need structure and create systems for it to run smoothly even in your absence!

  • Gain More Confidence!

    Become courageous to say “no” as a mom and gain life-changing habits to eliminate home environment and mental clutter!

  • Eliminate Mom Guilt!

    Be able to clearly and lovingly state what you need. Learn to assign tasks to kids and family to make more room for you to rest!

Hi, I'm Julie Fernandes

Motherhood & Lifestyle Mentor, Occupational Therapist (OTD)

After being a full-time working mama, I’ve walked through the struggles of dealing with constant busyness. I know the feeling of self-care deprivation all around; the dreaded feeling of exhaustion & low energy, always dealing with clutter, to-do lists, and a mountain of toys, and no “me” time left on the clock. After working as an Occupational Therapist for the last 15+ years, I developed my own strategies that have allowed me to make all that chaos a thing from the past. Now, I'm here to teach you how to do the same!

The Organized Mom

Learn how to create more structure in your life, get more done, and have the energy to spend time with your loved ones.

Mama, trust me I know...

You're wondering a lot of things...

How will you do this with kids... Without the support of your spouse... Perhaps you're a single working mama...

You feel that you won’t feel motivated or energized enough to tackle it all...

But here's the thing, do you really want to be in the same place 2, 4, 6 months from now? Stop giving up and start feeling empowered! Don’t make the mistake I did of waiting until the point of desperation. The fact that you are here means you are more than ready!

Also, think of how your kids respond to the clutter as they get older, the cleaning and mindset habits they will start to inhibit. How much longer you can continue to put your self-care time off? After all, your home and space should be a place where you can walk in a say "ahh..." and just feel good about being there. It should bring you a feeling of peace and joy and happiness right?

Stop Doubting Mama

The secret to a fulfilling motherhood and home is here!

"Julie goes beyond organization"

Michelle S. - Mom of 2

Julie's The Organized Mom takes you through mindset shifts that strengthen many areas of your life overall.  This is beyond a home organization course. It will open up your awareness of how to navigate and take care of yourself. The home organization part of this course is truly just a plus of it all. Her DMD Method is easy to apply and digest. Don't wait!

Enrollment will end soon!

Stop waiting till the last minute to put yourself first!

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds


  • Who is this course for?

    If you're tired of feeling overwhelmed, having a hard time keeping your space organized, want to learn how to shift your mindset, and want to learn habit/productivity strategies to make more time for yourself and family then this course is for you!

  • I don't think I'll have time for this?

    Is it really a matter of having enough time or perhaps you're just not motivated enough? In this course, I will address both areas; which will ultimately result in you having the time to do anything you'd love to do! Remember, nothing will change until you change!

  • I have tried other organization courses before, but they didn't work for me?

    We deal with the root of the problem, so it's nothing like those courses you've taken before! Although we cover home organization strategies, we strive to assure it becomes a lifestyle! Don't take our word for it, just read our reviews!

  • I'm a single mom or don't have any spousal or family support?

    We often let our fears take control. How many other single mamas or mamas with working spouses do you see thriving out there? I am one of them! In this course, you will discover the power of leading by example. You will be amazed to see how your surroundings and even children will mirror back your actions and start helping you more!

  • I hate cleaning and organizing?

    Trust me, I can relate! Nobody likes to clean. Though, think of the amazing results that come from that. Think about the thriving environment you'll provide for yourself, your kids, and your spouse. Plus, your kids will benefit and be able to carry on these skillsets as they get older.

  • I'm just not motivated enough and afraid of change?

    How has that been working for you? You're reading this for a reason. If you are truly sick of the burnout, clutter, and wishing to get some time for yourself then you wouldn't be doubting. Do you really want to get to a point of desperation as I did? It's a terrible feeling! Don't wait, I'm here to support you along the way!

  • I'm too scared to invest in myself, do you offer refunds?

    Thriving mamas aren't labeled that for a reason! Think of the greater cost you will have if you don't make this investment for yourself. A life of overwhelm, endless clutter, lack of self-care will cost you more in the long run. There are no refunds due to the nature of this being a digital product. If you're doubting this will work for you then take a look at our reviews!

  • Does the course include 1-1 or group coaching?

    You will gain access to a private student-only Facebook group where you can lean in to get support! Although there is no official coaching included, I do jump in the group to do LIVES when support is needed. This is a safe place for you to lean in for support among all the other thriving mamas!